Saturday, November 13, 2010

We're gonna bring the roof down ;) Together.

mix u Pictures, Images and Photos

Hey, my loves ;)
Its Yee Li here, for the first time!

I changed this some parts of this blog.
If you dont like it, you may give suggestions :D


As you guys know,
we, the 8s have an outing this 20th, Saturday. :D

Those who can't go, don't be sad!
There's always a next time right?

Those who can go, get ready for
tired feet,
music mania,
camera flashes,
& extra FATS, if you dont mind.
I'm sure Fio wont. ;)


"Home Is Where The Heart Is"
Yea...but not right now.
At home, its kinda like prison.
Just boredom and misery.

I know you HATE complainers but seriously, dudes.
I'm sure you will complain if you were a zombie for 2 months!

Okay, you say "Find something to do then."
Yes, i've been doing stuff i planned to do before the holidays.

Learn guitar. Check. (Guitar is harder than i thought -.-)
Play my keyboard. Check.
Go online. Check. ( OMG, what will we do without the Internet!)
Watch TV the whole day. Check.
Play board games. Check. (Now, they seem like "boring games")
Excersice. Half-check.
Doing nothing. Checkcheckcheck.

HEY, if you have any ideas of making me stop being a zombie & make me a happy human, please tell me!
Who knows? It might be FUN! :)

Ciao for now.
Lots of LURVE,
yeeli. :)

storybook Pictures, Images and Photos

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