Sunday, November 14, 2010


I feel bored at d moment....

4 once in a blue moon, I went to d market 2 help carry fruits XD. Of cuz, I somehow had a sixth sense dat mum will belanja sugarcane juice (its serious, my mum offered 2 buy, I din ask her 2). So, we brought pomegranate (this is my 1st time eating it, its vry nice!) n persimmon!!!!!!!!!!

 I LOVE persimmon! Vry nice 2 eat. Yum Yum!

Niwayz, I do quite a lot of carrrying and when v finis buying fruits, mum n i were waitin 4 quite some time b4 my dad turned up (Yeah, while mm n i were doin d "shopping" my dad stayed in d car cuz it was usually hrd 2 find parking space).

Hmm, wat else?? Oh, I did some cycling today! I cycled for 25 minutes n d speed was 7 km per hour. It was nothing compared 2 my dad. He cycled for 30 minutes n d speed was 12.2 km. Of cuz, minus d fact dat he's a guy n he has lots of muscles (he always excercises).

Oh! I broke my record yesterday by readin 3 storybooks in 1 day! *yawns* *sleepy* Buh-bye!


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