Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A rainy day~

Hey, Thanks for reading.. The title was random.. :D Gosh! I really miss you guys! When are all of you free? Our 8 exceptions outing is still on hold. How about Twitter? Please join! Me, Ly Dion, Yee Li, Julia and Zoe is there! Click here to follow me-->@ImPaboLikeYou LyDion--> @yukiko96 Yee Li-->@sincerely_yeeli Julia-->@julia_scribbles Zoe-->@Harm0nic THANKS! :D

Okay, now for some entertainment! K-POP, BABY!
As you all know, MAMA2011 was yesterday. What do you all think about that show? :) I think it sucks.. I wasted my time just to vote for FTISLAND and they didn't win because their mini album didn't sell as well as CNBlue's did. OF COURSE! CNBlue comeback with a full album! Gosh~ FTISLAND got the most votes online. 3 million something.. PRIMADONNAs (Y) WE ARE AWESOME!

Okay, now for some J-POP! YEAH BABY!
I heard this song recommended by Ly Dion. It's so nice and sad! You should totally listen to this!:-

Admit it! J-POP is as awesome as K-POP right? :D
I ran out of things to say.. School's almost here! (Sorry to spoil the mood) Let's move on! Who's rotting now? You? Same here.. Go! Go grab the grass cutter now! Or just grab insecticides to spray all over yourself! Mosquitoes are in your house! Are you trying to cause a life?! Just kidding! :) I don't know what to type now.. I think I will stop here.. Please visit my blog! :D Thanks~ Bye!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 11th November 2011 Everyone! XD

Hey! Cheryl here! (After spamming the Shoutbox.. :D I'm proud of it btw..) My wish for this lucky day (Everyday is lucky, I know.. But today is special! :D) is: I wish the 8 of us will STICK together till the very end.. Yeah.. THE VERY END! The VERY VERY VERY END! Hope you get it! :D Because nobody can get what we have.. The STRONG BOND between us, the difference between us, the perfect-ness of us.. We are meant to meet each other and we have to appreciate this.. this.. THINGY! LOL!

Here's a parody of Fiona's earlier post: I only learn to love myself by B1A4! Hahaha! :D

Enjoy! :D

I got great news for everyone.. Click here and cheer! :D BestWishesForMinari 
So.. Proud? Yes! Thanks to our very artist: Zoe! I used her drawing WITH permission.. When I get the album, I'm gonna Cam Whore  like mad! XD 

So.. I guess that's all from me! I ran out of words to say.. Here goes total RANDOMNESS! Random#1:-

Happy Birthday, Min Hwan! XD

The Heart Of The Band.. :)

Here's Min Hwan being ageyo(cute) :)

Okay.. Back here! Stop starring! It will keep repeating automatically.. Random#2:-

I Live in Flaxton Street in F.T Island

 Says my Twitter
You should get one too! XD Random#4:-
Okay, Nevermind.. I dun have a random#4.. Except:-

There's no difference!! HAHA! Hong Ki is the Lucifer! XD

Okay! That's all from me.. LOL. Bye! X)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


So many ones today i see. Three years ago it was all about the eights. Do you think many people will chosse this date to get married? After all it is a good date today after all. Some might even choose this date to give birth.

Ok, I dunno why I'm writhing all this.. Anyway gtg so bye!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Korean bands

I cant really diffrenciate these ppl except CNU, the one who wears specs

I like this MV's setting (I saw from your blog, Cheryl, so I decided to check it out).

Korean artists are really good dancers=) I saw Shinee's MVs and Jay Park's and I envy them:(

Look at how they dance!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The last days of school for the 8 of us..

Hello! Cheryl here! If you're a bot, BUZZ OFF! This blog is for real humans only! Lifeless bots.. Anyways, today I will tell you about our last days together.. No pictures btw.. :( After PMR, we spent our days in the hall like prisoners.. Only difference is we were less tortured than the real prisoners.. We were damn bored by the way.. All we do is sit, chat, play indoor games and so on.. I can't quite remember what happen.. If you didn't go for any trip organized, be prepared to regret because where ever the teachers bring you is not as boring as the hall activities.. :D LOL! Let's just skip this part..

Lst week we(me, Fiona, Ly Dion, Zoe, Bern, Aaron, Yee Li and Julia) went for an outing.. It was an outing to celebrate Aaron's belated birthday.. (okay, my memory is not that good..) We walked, karaoked (I sang Ring Ding Dong and it was very awkward.. Thanks, guys! :P), ate, walked more and so on.. It was fun.. :)

On Monday, the few of us made earrings with beads and etc(While I went and torture myself in the library. It's not like I want to, but I was forced to..) During recess, I sneaked out and went to the hall.. Nobody knew I was gone.. (Pro rite? Huh? No? Okay.. :P) Then, before school ends, I suggested to play a game. It's like you have to do an action. Then, the next player will copy your action and add one of theirs. The same goes to the next player.. (Hope you know what I mean) I saw SHINee playing that game before.. :)

Tuesday  I didn't attend school to avoid the library.. So, today.. Wait! Maybe I shouldn't talk about school anymore.. CONCLUSION: We had fun, bittersweet times and not enough sleep.. (Isn't it true?) But, we still stay together! I'm so gonna miss all of you! :'( (The reason I'm feeling sad is because of the Boyfriend song Don't touch my girl. Even though I duno what they're saying, It's really sweet!) Can't wait what the future holds for us next year! :D Looking forward to next year! :D Hope we stay as strong as this year! 사랑 해! Saranghae! Love you! XD

This is the longest post I've ever written.. I really hope you read till the end! (And no, this is not a chain letter!) I guess I can't post so many K-Pop recommends.. So, here's one only..

Hope you like it! Boyfriend's Don't Touch My Girl.. :)
By the way, my latest aim is to dance SHINee's Lucifer with Zoe.. Look forward to it! :D Bye! Peace out! :P